Management tips employees would give their bosses

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Creating a good atmosphere in the workplace is dependent on effective management.
Creating a good atmosphere in the workplace is dependent on effective management.

The following tips primarily lead back to the golden rule "treat others as you would like to be treated". As an employer, place yourself in the employee's shoes. How would you like to be treated from an ideal employer?

If you are managing a group of employees, here are a few things to consider:

1. Do not use fear as a motivator.

If production is down, do not use the threat of lay-offs and discharges to manipulate employees into being over-worked and over-stressed.

Do not encourage unhealthy competition between employees. No employee is responsible for the effects of a recession or cyclical downturn.

2. Treat everyone equally and respectfully.

Do not show favouritism. Consider physical treatment such as reasonable workloads, decent lunch break hours, etc.

Also be aware of the degree of emotional treatment. Do not verbally abuse your employees. This includes negative comments that are not constructive in any way.

3. Show appreciation.

Take care of your employees and they will take care of your business. Offer respectable benefits. Healthcare benefits can actually limit absenteeism.

Employees need to feel vital to an organisation and worthy to a business. Show them that their work is greatly appreciated and that they are an integral part of the team. If you are lacking appreciation, employees will search for this appreciation elsewhere and the turnover rate will be high for the management.

4. Be compassionate and understanding.

Consider your employees from a humane perspective. They have individual lives aside from work. They are mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, community figures, independent artists, hobbyist, etc.

People work to earn a living but no one should live to work. Do not justify inhumane behavior standing by the popular slogan, "it's nothing personal, it’s just business."

5. Be considerate and straightforward.

Keep employees well informed of any changes that have the potential to affect them and their job satisfaction or job security.

6. Do not take the credit for all of the work.

There is no star or diva when it comes to teamwork. Portraying an arrogant, narcissistic, and destructive attitude can be a huge drawback for employees. No one wants to work for an employer who has egotistical issues and a drive for power.

7. Learn to take responsibility for mistakes.

Often management abuses power and does not address their own mistakes and wrongdoings. They feel no genuine need to apologise for their actions. This shows a significant characteristic with management that employees tend to avoid.

8. Be an example of a leader.

Don't exhibit behaviour that isn't professional. Employees may begin to reinforce bad behaviours and good employees will leave their positions and take their services elsewhere.

9. Communicate better.

Employees are not mind readers. They cannot sense what you are thinking and feeling. Be clear and concise. Effective communication can help your team to avoid setbacks on the job and can prevent unnecessary stress.

10. Be a team player.

Management and supervisory positions are still a part of a larger picture. These positions work with a team that operates interdependently to achieve goals.

Following these simple tips can prevent high turnover and burnouts, while promoting effective teamwork.

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